


What does June bring?

by Marisol Ruiz Velazco

June brings good dates for launches, it is a month that oscillates between contacting the joy of life and working with what we need as people to feel fulfilled.

This month we are invited to see reality through a different lens.

On June 3, we will begin to feel that the connection and communication with other people begins to flow in a better way, this because Mercury leaves retrogradation, however, to make decisions regarding signing contracts, launches and signing legal documents, it is better to wait until June 6.

On June 4, Saturn begins to retrograde in Aquarius, this in English means that begins a period that opens until October 22, in which it is up to us to review the responsibilities, to meditate the aspects that we want to persevere; we can also feel that our limits relax outwardly, but lead us to tense up inside.

June 6, is a good day for launches, we can have uncomfortable conversations that are necessary and can lead to good end (Mercury goes out of shadow; Sun in Gemini in sextile to Chiron in Aries).

June 7, is an excellent day to clean up and carry out administrative activities; concretize through very concrete actions and stop procrastinating (Moon in Virgo in tension with the Sun in Gemini).

June 10, is a very important day where we can make agreements with people in authority, it will also be an excellent time to touch with our mental power and make it tangible through materializing something we want (Mercury in Taurus in trine to Pluto in Capricorn).

June 11, is an excellent time to give ourselves a makeover, get out of the routine, do things differently and if we have the opportunity, connect with our desires to do things differently and experience new things. We will feel a change in our values and the aspects that are important to us (Venus conjunct Uranus).

On June 13, Mercury enters Gemini, which opens a period until July 5 of high communication, curiosity and exaltation for social networking and commerce issues.

On June 14, we will have the full Moon in Sagittarius, this full moon is ideal to question ourselves with which lenses we see reality, and connect with other ways of seeing life. This aspect will have a very positive aspect related to the ability to assume our responsibility in the things we live; (Full Moon with harmonic aspects to Saturn in Aquarius), but on the other hand, we will have little clarity, since there will be missing aspects to consider, so it is recommended not to make transcendental decisions and act more as an observer of reality and make decisions later (Full Moon in square to Neptune).

On June 15, we will feel our self-esteem and desire leading us through situations of joy and enjoyment through the senses and asking us to let go of excessive control of things. In case we do not connect with this energy, we could feel hurt and be a bit susceptible, it is important for us to flow, to connect with the different. (Venus arrives to the North Node and opposes the South Node; Mars conjuncts Chiron in Aries).

June 16, this date can be optimal to analyze the responsibilities you assume and the things you have to communicate, however, do not sign agreements, there may be information you do not have yet, so if you can wait, the better. (Sun in Gemini in trine with Saturn in Aquarius; in square to Neptune in Pisces)

On June 18, this day we will feel tension between our desire to do things differently from the way we have been doing them, and the way we normally do them, we may feel resistance from others or from yourself. Strive for objectivity (Saturn in square with Uranus and Venus).

June 21 is the Solstice, the sun enters Cancer; this day is ideal to make your planning for the next three months.

It is recommended to do rituals to assume our light and shadow. I will be passing you exercises so that you can carry out this activity in a more fluid way.

This day is excellent for making launches, celebrations and meeting new people.

On June 28, we have the new Moon in Cancer, this new moon brings closings in home issues, dynamics that we have been carrying with our family members, as well as our emotional reactions. We will look for the new in these dynamics and we will be successful at it (Full Moon in sextile to Uranus in Taurus; Venus in Gemini in sextile to Jupiter in Aries).

Happy Month of June!

Maar sin Filtros

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